Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Beginnings

For me, September is all about change. It's the month of my birthday, wedding anniversary, and it's when most kids head back to school-new beginnings. The season finally shifts to fall (my favorite) and the days become shorter.

As September arrives, and the possibility of very big changes in our lives loom ahead, I think about where I was 10 years ago, and where I am today. Of course, that was 2001--and I will forever remember being glued to the TV and horrified at watching the Towers fall from the TV at the job I had just started.

2001-I had just finished college, and started working as a legal secretary. It was always my goal to go to law school, but working in a law firm opened my eyes to what being an attorney meant, and a resounding "hell no" rang through my brain. I worked my way up, and am close to receiving my Paralegal Certificate.

As I think about the potential change ahead, there looms a paradigm shift in my brain. My son will be 2 in November. He has been in daycare since he was 4 months old. He has been happy and has thrived, but there is a part of my heart that breaks every morning when I drop him off because I don't get to spend my day with him. It just has not been financially possible for me to stay home.

The job opportunities aren't that great where we may go, so I have been looking at the possibility of homeschooling. The more I read about it, the more I love the idea of it. There are preschool programs that we can purchase when he hits 2.5--and I get excited just thinking about it. I never knew how much fun having a toddler would be---I love watching him learn new things, and seeing the wheels spin in his head when he figures things out. To be able to be the one that teaches him things, and to be able to be there to see him learn and figure things out would be a blessing.

We shall see. Keeping our fingers crossed and hoping for an awesome new adventure.

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